I have been a professional translator between Czech, English and German since 2006.

I translate mainly texts from the following fields:

  • Information technology (help files, manuals, etc.)
  • Electrical and other devices – air handling and air conditioning units, machinery, consumer electronics and the like (user manuals, catalogues etc.)
  • Subtitles to movies and videos in Subtitle Workshop and other formats according to the needs of the customer
  • Advertising and marketing materials (websites, flyers, advertising texts etc.)
  • Business texts and correspondence
  • General texts


Practical Information and Pricing

The price of the translation is calculated based on the number of standard pages (SP) of translated text; one normal page corresponds to 1,800 characters including spaces.

Do you need to know the approximate price of a particular translation? Send me the text you need to translate and I will get back to you with a calculation as soon as possible. You can rest assured that I will maintain the confidentiality of the text.

Among the advantages of my translation services is proofreading of the final text in Czech by another translator free of charge. This will help to achieve not only the linguistic, but also the typographical correctness of the translation (correct use of punctuation, correct line breaks etc.).




Where suitable, I use CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools during translation, i.e. mainly while translating technical texts. Currently I am using the SDL Trados software.


Suitable Text Format

The best way to send the text you want translated is in an editable digital form: as a MS Office document type, editable PDF document, SDL Trados file, Adobe InDesign file or website file.

I can send you the completed translation in any format mentioned above.


Layout of the Translated Text

If required, I can make the translated text look as close to the original as possible. In the case of text format files (e.g. Word documents) it is easily done but with other formats such as Adobe PDF it requires additional work.

If you need truly professional graphic output (e.g. you want to have the translated materials printed) and your source documents are in the Adobe InDesign format, I can deliver the translation in this format. That way you can send the translated documents straight to print.

Page layout and image editing work is charged by the hour so the price depends on the time dedicated to the particular job. If you need further information do not hesitate to contact me.


Proofreading Services

In addition to translation you can also order proofreading of Czech texts (written in Czech or translated into it). Proofreading consists in correcting grammatical and stylistic errors and mistakes in the text. This service is important especially for documents to be printed, such as catalogues and user manuals. My proofreading rate is 5 EUR/SP.